Run For Cory- U.P. Campus Group

Symbol of Tita Cory

Symbol of Tita Cory

Words of grief, sadness and praise has been said about former president Corazon C. Aquino whose passing away last Saturday up to her interment today has brought an outpouring of love, support and tributes for the beacon of democracy and “mother” to all Filipinos. I was very saddened to hear the news of her passing as i was among the thousands who manned EDSA with some friends at the height of “People Power”  that swept Mrs. Aquino to power.

Funeral cortege on the way to the manila cathedral

Funeral cortege on the way to the Manila Cathedral

People waiting at the Manila Cathedral

People waiting at the Manila Cathedral

Inside the Cathedral

Inside the Cathedral

Cory being honored at the Manila Cathedral last night

Cory being honored at the Manila Cathedral last night

In remembrance of her struggles, trials and selfless leadership, the local running community is paying tribute to this well-loved leader. A series of “Run for Cory” road runs has been organized for today, Wednesday which has been declared a national day of mourning and a special non-working holiday to mourn her passing and for people to have a chance to pay their respect before her interment this afternoon.

Run For Cory, U.P. Group

Run For Cory, U.P. Group

Front of Oblation

Front of Oblation

This morning, running buddy June Santiago and i decided to join the UP Campus group, composed mostly of runners. It was raining intermittently when we arrived at the campus at about 5:15am and started our warm-up run. While we saw a group of runners bundled up the shaded stairs of Palma Hall waiting for the others to arrive, June and I continued our run around the academic oval and its outskirts.

By the time we returned back to the academic oval, the groups were already complete. All in all, there were about 30 runners, most wearing the I Am Ninoy technical shirts. Around the campus, yellow ribbons were tied on Acacia trees.

Yellow shirts!

Yellow shirts!

At the academic oval

At the academic oval

The run was a symbol of our appreciation for the courage she faced in the midst of tragedy to restore democracy and her humble moral crusade in leading this country.

June posing in front of the Oblation with flowers for Cory

June posing in front of the Oblation with flowers for Cory

Although many of us (sila lang) may have been too young or were not even born yet during the upsurge of “people power”, the influence and legacy of Tita Cory has not been lost in them–that her sacrifices for the country and her determination to restore democracy will forever be embedded in their minds.

Remembrance run for Cory

Remembrance run for Cory

The first Cory Run

The first Cory Run

Run to Times Street

Run to Times Street

Cory's residence at Times Street

Cory's residence at Times Street

Garden of Eden

Garden of Eden

An outpouring of love

An outpouring of love

While our future leaders have promised to sustain all the moral ideals, courage and inspiration she installed, hers is still a tough act to follow as moral values are still lost to some who intend to lead this country.

We will never forget you, Tita Cory!