A Powerade Afternoon With Neil Etheridge!

I wasn’t really a fan of soccer because of the time it takes for both teams (it takes eternity!) to score a goal. But on television, it’s great just to watch soccer snippets when you just see specific goals being scored and be amazed by great saves of goalies being highlighted alone instead of the full game being shown.

However, my initial reaction to the sport have totally change when you have a whole nation, not known as soccer enthusiasts routing for our football national team, the Philippine Azkals when playing against much stronger foreign teams and actually win against them.

I then found out that there is fervor in the sport, it’s sometimes  nerve-wracking, you anticipate the moves when they are near the opponents line goal and my heart stops whenever there is an attempt to score against the opponent’s goalie! The feeling of scoring a goal is like beating the buzzer against an opponent in a tightly contested basketball game.

However there are also times my heart sinks whenever the opponent team scores and when the lead is already insurmountable (2 or 3 goals behind), that’s the time i switch channels and hear back the screeching, “Good morning madlaaaang pipoooool!”

I’ve not seen the Team Azkals play live although i have seen some players individually on certain events. When Ed Montalban, representative of POWERADE Sport Drink invited me to a Blogger’s Meet on Azkhal Goalie Neil Etheridge, i immediately grabbed the chance and attended the launch at the Makati Shangrila.

Etheridge is the newest ambassador for Powerade ION4 Sports drink and joins the ranks of Coach Rio Dela Cruz, top fitness instructress Chinggay Estrada and PBA basketball star David Semerad. The launch was well attended although i only saw co-blogger and runner, Vicky Ras among my group of running friends who attended.

I took a few pictures of the event and posted POWERADE’s latest sport drink release, the ION4 which we would be seeing a lot in future races.

At the meet and greet launch for Powerade's Neil Etheridge

Neil answers questions from the press

Neil Etheridge with Powerade's Teejae Sonza

With blogger, ultra runner Vicky Ras

With the man himself!

A Power-packed Welcome to New POWERADE ION4 Ambassador Neil Etheridge

Following the success of the epic kick-off the Hydration Revolution led by the Complete Sports Drink, New POWERADE ION4® with Advanced Electrolyte System recently, the brand finally comes face to face with one of the elite member of its dream team of ambassadors: international football player Neil Etheridge.

“We were all very excited the moment we knew Neil would be coming here for a game with the Philippine Azkals. It our pride to have garnered the support of such a talented, complete sportsman like him. A talented international football player who has made our country proud with his historic debut at the Europa League chooses POWERADE ION4 as his hydration partner. We couldn’t be any prouder and we know we couldn’t miss our chance to make a powerful welcome.” This exciting press and blogger unveiling was held last February 27, 2012 at the Makati B Function Room of the Makati Shangri-La Hotel.

For this breakthrough joining of forces, Neil joins multi-awarded runner and coach, Rio Dela Cruz, top fitness maven Chinggay Andrada, champion basketball player David Semerad. No doubt, like his premiere teammates, Neil Etheridge embodies POWERADE ION4 to the core. Not only is he on top of his game at such a young age, he’s got beyond exceptional skills. Truly a world-class athlete- that’s what he is.

“It’s a pleasure to be selected by POWERADE ION4 to be one of its ambassadors with fellow Filipino athletes. It’s always important to keep getting better. You have to keep trying to improve and be complete. Every single time you step on the field you want to be your best so I always choose the best equipment; the best, complete hydration partner. Hopefully with POWERADE ION4, I get to be one of the world’s best,” says Neil. Indeed, the popular football star is passionate in improving and achieving further. And he also knows that his body is his most important gear; the very reason why he would never settle for anything less than complete just like POWERADE ION4.

What makes it the complete sports drink? While other sports drinks have two ions, new POWERADE ION4® helps replenish water and the four key electrolytes typically lost in sweat: sodium, potassium, calcium and magnesium and provide carbohydrate fuel for your muscles. POWERADE ION4® encourages the body to absorb fluid and maintain fluid balance. Carbohydrates are replaced as well, supplying your working muscles with fuel, helping you sustain mental and physical performance as you exercise. To help you fight off dehydration, POWERADE ION4®doesn’t switch your thirst receptors off prematurely. It keeps you feeling thirsty until you’re properly rehydrated.

When sweating, the body loses more than just water. It loses essential electrolytes, which are important in exercise. The importance of each was reviewed by The American College of Sports Medicine, American Dietetic Association and Dietitians of Canada and it was learned that: Sodium is a critical electrolyte, which helps you sweat effectively and aids in muscle contraction; Potassium, on the other hand, is important in the overall energy metabolism; Third of the four key ions is calcium, which essential for overall bone metabolism; Lastly, magnesium plays a vital role in regulating cardiovascular and neuromuscular functions to sustain your performance. Drinking POWERADE ION4®, completely packed with these four vital ions, is the an effective way to replace fluid and fuel losses.

Powerade Ion4 is available in Mountain Blast, Orange Burst and Silver Charge in the new easy-grip 500mL bottles. The Mountain Blast and Silver Charge variants are also available in sports caps, perfect for rehydrating during exercise. Powerade is a trusted partner of many sports organizations in the country and the world. In fact, it is the official hydration partner of the 2012 Olympic athletes in London.

Complete your game with the complete sports drink, new POWERADE ION4 with Advanced Electrolyte System. To learn more about this breakthrough product, go to the Powerade ION4 Facebook Fan Page (www.facebook.com/powerade) and/or follow @PoweradePH on Twitter.