World of DC Comics All Star Fun Run: April 18, 2015 At The Mall of Asia

BATMAN:   The time has come. You know it in your soul, for I am your soul… You cannot escape me! You are puny, you are small, you are nothing–a hollow shell, a rusty trap that cannot hold me! Smoldering, I burn you — burning you, I flare, hot and bright and fierce and beautiful. You cannot stop me, not with wine or vows or the weight of age — you cannot stop me, but still you try. Still you run. You try to drown me out… But your voice is weak.

JOKER:   Batman. Darling.  Should sleep. Should be fresh tomorrow. Tomorrow I go free.

SUPERMAN:    Bruce, you idiot! You’ll ruin everything. For all of us! The rest of us learned to cope. The rest of us recognized the danger–of the endless envy of those not blessed. Diana went back to her people. Hal went to the stars. And I have walked the razor’s edge for so long… But you, Bruce–you, with your wild obsession!

JOKER:    They could put me in a helicopter and fly me up into the air and line up the bodies head to toe on the ground in delightful geometric patterns like an endless June Taylor dancers routine — And it would never be enough. Hahah….

SUPERMAN:    They’ll kill us if they can, Bruce. Every year they grow smaller. Every year they hate us more. We must not remind them that giants walk the earth!

BATMAN:     Welcome to Hell!!!

(“The Dark Knight Returns”–2012)

This may well be one of the dramatic confrontation that will usher the forthcoming World of DC Comics All Star Fun Run on April 18, 2015 at SM By the Bay, SM MOA which will feature our all time favorite super heroes like Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman, The Flash and many others!

Expect this run to be full of super hero runners, cos-players (maybe Zorro of UP will be there too) and many more costumed super hero lovers and charlatans who will dominate the roads around Mall of Asia!

Follow the details below on how to register!

“A Hero can be anyone, even a man doing something as simple and re-assuring as putting a jacket around a little boy’s shoulder to let him know that the world hadn’t ended!” —Batman, The Dark Knight Rises

World of DC Comics All Star Fun Run

  • When:       April 18, 2015(Saturday)
  • Where:      SM by the Bay, SM MOA
  • Race Categories:      3k, 5k, 10k
  • Gun Start:        4:00am

003 Race Categories

201 Registration

204 In-Store Registration

202 Online Registration

Online Registration at (from March 12-April 11)
Payment can then be made through the following:

  • 7 Eleven Branches
  • Credit Card / Online Payment

*Race kits will then be shipped through courier (additional P120 for shipping)

004 Runner Entitlement

005 HERO

206 Route

Race kit accessories


Finishers Medals

205 Disclaimer

Pictures during the DC Comics Fun Run Launch: